We are specialized in the consulting engineering services including healthcare, broadcast, manufacturing, mission critical, and other high end technologies sectors.
Central Energy Plant Upgrade
HPD was Contracted as the Prime Consultant for the project. Faced with an aging and inadequate Chilled Water system, SGMC engaged HPD to design a replacement system. HPD surveyed the existing system and met with owner representation to determine current and future requirements. HPD worked as a team with SGMC administration to discuss the owner's operational requirements and the effects on the power system. The new design increased the capacity of the existing chiller plant by building a new cooling tower/pump yard, increasing the piping headers and replacing the existing chillers with larger 1200 - ton chillers.
New Generator Plant
HPD was contracted as the Prime design Consultant to construct a 5,500 sq.ft. facility to house new normal and emergency services. Armed with the functional requirements, which included feeding a chiller on emergency power, HPD evaluated and presented numerous options to meet the owner's requirements. These options evaluated multiple generator configurations, equipment locations replacing equipment in place, and budget constraints. Ultimately, the evidence pointed towards constructing a new free- standing building to house new normal and emergency service equipment. The normal plant consisted of 4-2500 kVA service transformers that feed two Main-Tie-Main switchgear lineups. The Emergency plant consisted of two parallel 1750 kW generators with provisions for a third generator. The facility utilizes energy efficient lighting and controls and included a power monitoring systems to monitor, measure, and record the energy use. The proximity of the building required numerous utility relocations and modifications including sewer, Oxygen Farms, Med Gas, fuel-oil, and electrical. Virtually every utility for the hospital was impacted. The project was constructed in phases to allow the hospital to remain in operation during these utility relocations. In addition, SGMC was also constructing a bed tower and parking deck which adjoined the project site and would be fed from the new power plant. HPD worked with the other design and construction teams to seamlessly integrate their power requirements and schedules into our project. The final phase of the project was to back feed the existing facility. The entire facility would experience a shutdown for this migration. HPD worked with the owner and contractor to determine a phasing solution to migrate the existing electrical systems on to the new facility and to decommission the old emergency and normal power plants. The end result was a modern, energy efficient power plant that will continue to serve SGMC into the future.
Surgery Suite Sub Cooling HVAC Upgrade (ASHE Award Winner)
SGMC contacted HPD, LLC regarding complaints from their surgery staff in the Operating Rooms.
HPD provided the mechanical, electrical, plumbing (MEP) consulting engineering services for several projects on the Campus including two Open Heart Operating Rooms with dedicated HVAC systems including glycol sub - cooling. Review of the existing conditions revealed that the new O.R.’s were maintaining satisfactory conditions. However, the remaining eight O.R’s and two Cysto Rooms were experiencing high humidity at lower temperature conditions.
The existing systems that served the eight OR areas were installed in 1984 and consisted of two - chilled/water hot water air-handling units with direct expansion, sub-cooling coils. The VAV’s had been replaced previously and incorporated direct digital controls capabilities.
Smoke removal was accomplished through a smoke relief cycle in the air handling units.
HPD and SGMC developed an upgrade plan for the HVAC system to accommodate the requirements while minimizing down time and introducing new technologies as follows:
The air handling units would be changed out one at a time so half of the OR Suite could remain in operation. The new units would be Fan Wall Systems for the supply and return fans.
New dedicated chilled water pumps would provide chilled water to the main chilled water coils.
Modular Chillers would be utilized to provide 32 degrees glycol to the sub-cooling coils in order to meet the required designed space conditions.
A new dedicated steam to hot water heat exchanger system would provide 200 degree space heating hot water to allow the room temperature to be raised to set point within 15 minutes.
The entire control system would be upgraded to DDC. Room temperature and humidity control and display would be accomplished by touch screen technology room monitors.
Smoke exhaust would be provided by a dedicated exhaust fan for every two rooms.
The Mechanical contractor served as the Prime Contractor and coordinated the construction phasing and process to reduce down time and maintain environmental conditions in the OR’s that remained operational.
The end result provided new air handling systems with HEPA filtration, new humidification, sub-cooling and touch screen room control that allowed the staff to change temperatures from 72 degrees down to the designed 62 degrees in 15 minutes while maintaining below 40% relative humidity. The staff could also raise the temperature from 62 to 70 degrees after the case was completed.
A reset unoccupied mode allowed the glycol system to be deactivated and the chilled water system reset to maintain room conditions of 78 degrees and 50% relative humidity.
Central Plant Upgrade / Energy Study
Challenged to find methods to reduce energy cost, plan for future projects and streamline operations Tift Regional Medical Center (TRMC) engaged HPD to team with them to identify, analyze and substantiate a plan to meet the challenge. HPD served as the Prime Consultant and developed an energy model for the chiller and boiler plant to develop energy reduction options models and establish Return on Investment (ROI). The ROI information was presented to Administration in order for them to make decisions on the energy features. The team agreed that there would not be any “bad” or “too complicated” ideas or strategies, only free thinking and open dialogue to determine the best possible solutions. We also agreed that any solutions to be considered would be substantiated by evidence and could not simply be a good idea. HPD and the TRMC team reviewed the existing plant’s components, configurations, operations, efficiencies and load profiles in order to identify opportunities for improvement. The review identified specific equipment that should be replaced, equipment that could be retrofitted and major controls upgrades needed to link the systems together. The team compiled a list of potential improvement items and tested each one in order to establish the potential savings, long term benefit, initial cost and estimated return on investment due to energy savings. The information was presented to senior leadership for review and discussion. The presentation allowed informed decisions to be made due to the research and proven data compiled by the team. Our efforts resulted in immediate approval of the recommended items and planned budgeting for the future projects.
The research, evidence and return on investment analysis resulted in:
Complete DDC controls upgrade for the chiller and boiler plant
Modifications to the existing piping arrangements to correct flow / distribution problems and prepare for the future change out of one chiller
New variable speed secondary pumps
New variable speed 900 - ton chiller with control modifications to the existing chillers
New Water side economizer
New 400 HP steam boiler with modulating burner and VFD blower controls
Upgrade to the two existing boilers to add modulating burner and VFD blower controls
New 1000 Kw generator to support one chiller on emergency power
New electronic generator monitoring and control system
The due diligence by the team on the front end and organized factual information presented to the decision makers resulted in funding for the projects, a reduction in operating cost, investment for the future needs and modernization of the plant.
Air Handling Unit Replacements and Upgrades
New Air Handling Units to replace units serving the Lab, Waiting and Radiology areas. Air Handling Unit and Chilled water conversion for the existing Medical Office Building. HPD designed a phased HVAC replacement to replace the existing Self Contained Water Cooled Unit system with a chilled water system.
​HPD served as the Prime Consultant.
Chiller Plant Upgrade: Developed 3D model of the existing chiller plant to facilitate chiller, pump replacement and controls upgrades. Boiler Plant Upgrade/Replacement Steam and Hot Water: Downsized/replaced the existing steam boiler plant and added new dual fuel hot water boiler plant. Surgery Suite Sub Cooling HVAC Upgrade: Operating Suite Air Handling Unit replacement, OR interior Refresh and the addition of a Sub-Cooling Chiller system to provide 62 degrees at 40% RH conditions in the Operating Rooms.​
​​HPD served as the Prime Consultant.
Generator and Critical Distribution Upgrade.
UPS Infrastructure Upgrade. Data Center Redundancy Upgrade. Air Handling Unit Upgrades.