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Terms of Use

Please read these terms and conditions of use carefully before using this HPD site. By using the HDP site, you signify your agreement to these terms and conditions of use. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions of use, you may not use the HPD site.


This website is owned and copyrighted by HPD Consultant Engineers, LLC. (“HPD”), and is intended for the use of its readers for the sole purpose of providing information concerning the HPD company. All reproductions, presentations, distributions, or any other uses of this website or any of its contents, either in whole or in part, for any purpose(s) other than for private and personal non-commercial use, without the express, written consent of HPD is strictly prohibited. Nothing contained on this website is intended nor should it be used for the purposes of construction, and such use of any kind or nature shall be at the sole risk of the user and without liability to HPD or its affiliates. Nothing contained on this website is intended nor should any materials or text on this website be construed as a warranty or guarantee of any kind or nature with respect to any services provided by HPD or its affiliates. HPD reserves all of its rights with respect to this website and its contents, waiving none, and HPD reserves its right to modify this website and any of its contents without notice.


This website contains links to other websites. These websites are not operated by HPD and are outside the control of HPD. HPD accepts no responsibility whatsoever for these websites or their contents. HPD reserves the right to revise these terms at any time

Privacy Policy

HPD Consultant Engineers, LLC. (“HPD”) is committed to protecting the privacy of visitors to our website. When you provide personal information to us, we protect the privacy and confidentiality of that information. HPD's goal is to collect and use only that information that we consider is necessary for our legitimate business interests.


When you browse through this website, you do so anonymously. HPD does not collect personal information about you unless you voluntarily provide it to us. Submitting an employment application to us is an example of how you may be voluntarily providing us with personal information.


Another way you might provide us with personal information is by sending us email, whether through your own email software or using a “Contact” form on the site. If you send us email, your email address and the contents of your message will be collected. This includes text characters and any audio, video, and graphic information formats included in the message. Your electronic mail address and the information included in your message will be used to respond to you, to address issues you identify, to improve this site, or to forward your message to the appropriate HDP unit for a response. Your email address will not be used for commercial purposes, and HPD will not sell or otherwise distribute your email address to any third party. Any personal information you choose to provide to HDP will be retained by HPD in accordance with our standard corporate policies.


This website makes use of cookies. Cookies are pieces of information transferred to the browsing computer and stored for record-keeping purposes. Knowing how a site visitor is using the site through cookies enables us to tailor our content and services to more effectively meet visitors’ needs. It also enables us to improve the quality of your visit by making sure that the website is properly formatted for your computer and web browser.


HPD uses industry standard security measures to protect the information under our control, including firewalls and other security measures. Although the inherent dangers of the Internet means we cannot guarantee the protection of your information against loss, misuse, or alteration, HPD works hard to protect all of your personal information. Security procedures have been integrated into the design, implementation, and day-to-day operations of this website as part of our continuing commitment to the security of electronic content as well as the electronic transmission of information.


HPD is strongly committed to protecting personal information collected through this website against unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. That is why HPD limits employee access to personal information collected through this website to those employees who need access to the information to perform their official duties, and those employees follow appropriate procedures to protect against any improper disclosure of that information.


The development of HPD's policies and procedures for the protection of personal information is an ongoing process. Due to changes in technology and legal requirements we may revise this Website Privacy Statement from time to time. We suggest that you bookmark this page so that you may check periodically to see if any changes have been made.

This website may contain links to third party sites. HPD is not responsible for the collection of personal information or the security or privacy of such information on third party sites.


If you have any questions about this statement or our handling of personal information, please contact us by e-mail at

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